You work hard for your money and should be able to keep as much of it as you can. Don’t throw your money down the drain with tax preparation fees and bank fees. Daystar Tax Service offers personal service with a Lowest Cost Guarantee. We can save you money and offer the services you want.
Preparation Fees
Our preparation fees are over 31% less than other tax preparer’s on average*. We like saving money and want our clients to save money as well.
No Out of Pocket Expense**
We can prepare your tax return with no money out of your pocket. We offer competitively priced bank products so you can keep more of your money.
Cash Advance**
Apply for a cash advance and receive $750 of your refund within 24 hours.
Lowest Cost Guarantee***
We guarantee our preparation fee will beat the fee you paid last year or we will match last year’s preparation fee from another firm.